Thursday, August 11, 2011

>Laceration - Promo 2011

>Demo, Self-Released

1. Traumatic Insemination
2. Gorging On Putrid Orifices
3. Human Tikka Masala

Origin: Perthshire, UK
Genre: Brutal Death Metal

"Laceration are a Scottish based three piece death metal band. 2010 was a good year for Laceration with gigs in Perth, Edinburgh and Aberdeen and the release of a four track EP - 'Condemned To Torture'. Next year Laceration are going out of their way to continue pushing our name with gigs already confirmed in Glasgow and plans to record a full length album by the end of the year. Music can be bought at Merch can be bought at"

Mediafire link

Originally uploaded by rot

This material has been uploaded with the permission of the band. The band would love to hear your rating of the material so please give this a rating (below the post) after you listen to it. And if you can add your comments that would be great!

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