Tuesday, August 2, 2011

>Crani Sèptic - Fetge i Budellam

>Demo, Independent


1. Horror Genètic 02:13

2. Execució amb Motoserra 00:58

3. Sense Cap 01:42

4. Pols de Crani 01:54

5. Fetge i Budellam 01:49

6. Carn Cremada 02:20

7. Empalado bajo la Luna 02:51

8. Carcocapsa al Crani 00:22

9. Ofegat en Purins 00:53

10. Supurant Pus 02:54

Total playing time 17:56

Origin: Spain

Genre: Grindcore

Bitrate: 192kb/s

Myspace: http://www.myspace.com/craniseptic

Download: Ugotfile

Uploaded by Bad

This material has been uploaded with the permission of the band. The band would love to hear your rating of the material so please give this a rating (below the post) after you listen to it. And if you can add your comments that would be great!

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