Thursday, July 21, 2011

>Necrogrinder - Mangled Fetus Insertion

>Demo, Self-Released

1. Chainsaw Brainsore
2. Gorehammer
3. Vegetable Soup
4. The Recapitator
5. Bummed By the Bin-Men
6. Penal Colada
7. Mangled Fetus Insertion
8. Banger Pigs-Head

Origin: Sheffield, United Kingdom
Genre: Death Metal/Grindcore

"Necrogrinder have their feet firmly rooted in uncompromising death/grind. Formed at the arse-end of 2008, forcing themselves recklessly into the disappointing, stale cunt of Sheffield's 'metal scene', the 'grinder have continued to offer up a backstreet abortion of brutal, groove-laden riffage, crushing blasts & gutteral vocals."

Mediafire link

Originally uploaded by rot

This material has been uploaded with the permission of the band. The band would love to hear your rating of the material so please give this a rating (below the post) after you listen to it. And if you can add your comments that would be great!

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