Friday, July 29, 2011

>Discover new bands, Episode 1

>Hey guys, some young and hopefully rising bands just sent me their demos, and I would like to introduce you to those bands, go download it and risk an ear!

Band 1: To The Last Bullet

Go download their release here. (2009 - Metal / Deathcore)

Band 2: Fat Mans War Face

Go download their new EP here. (2009 - Deathcore)
Also check out their older stuff here. (2008 - Deathcore)

Please give them a try, we all know how hard it is in the music business for metal bands. Check 'em out and decide if you like them or not. You won't lose anything!

Use the comments to express your opinions!

Regards and remember, you're one too? Send me your stuff to the e-mail address given to the right (scroll down).

Have a nice day!

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