Friday, September 16, 2011

>Blood Everywhere - First Blood

>Ep, Self-Released


1. Silent Shot 03:18

2. Mental Carnage 03:20

3. Isolated Nation 04:12

4. Total Eradication 03:19

Total playing time 14:09

Origin: Israel

Genre: Death Metal

Bitrate: 128kb/s

BLOOD EVERYWHERE spawned at the beginning of 2008 under the monicker of EXECUTION and set out to put out some of the most energetic, driven death/metal core the holy land has ever seen. Displaying age is not an issue or restraint, these 17-18 year olds have been playing all over the country and shared the stage with israel’s biggest acts such as WHORECORE, PHANTOM PAIN, MATRICIDE, MISSING IN ACTION, PREY FOR NOTHING,...

Fueled by rage and a thirst for domination, BLOOD EVERYWHERE released their first EP entitled ‘First Blood’ summer 2010 and is about to play the SUMMER CARNAGE festival along the likes of ABORTED, SYSTEM DIVIDE, WHORECORE and many many more!"


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