Sunday, September 18, 2011

>Subtlety - The Seven-Headed Dragon

>EP, Self-released
April 27th, 2010

1. Intro (Behold the Fortress)
2. Seven-Headed Dragon
3. Ivory Tower Collapse
4. Broadcast from the Bunker
5. Final Solution

Origin: New Mexico, USA
Genre: Death Metal/Grindcore

"In 2009, upon the end of one Albuquerque band and the member-shuffling of another, Subtlety was formed. After local hardcore giants Minusseven ( released their last album and went on to break up, Minusseven vocalist Brandon Gallegos joined Vale of Miscreation ( to fill in as front man. During Brandon's stint as vocalist for Vale, founding member Brad Burris decided to quit in order to pursue a political grindcore project he had envisioned for quite some time. He called this project Subtlety, which was an ironic name choice because the music was being written to be loud, violent, and socially confrontational.
Brandon's decision to quit Vale followed shortly after Brad's, and after listening to the music Brad had forged in studio, Brandon immediately hopped on board as Subtlety front man. After a few months of writing and recording, their music was released on various social networks to test the reaction from local fans of both Minusseven and Vale of Miscreation. Support immediately poured in and Subtlety self-released their first collection of music, The Seven-Headed Dragon EP. This EP was left drenched in both classic and contemporary styles of death metal/grindcore, and appealed to metal fans from all sides of the spectrum. The lyrics invoke political anger and frustration towards a globalist establishment which seeks to destroy personal freedom in the name of self-preservation.
Subtlety is in the process of writing new material and involving new musicians in the studio setting. Look for new material soon!"

Mediafire link
Ugotfile link

Originally uploaded by rot

This material has been uploaded with the permission of the band. The band would love to hear your rating of the material so please give this a rating (below the post) after you listen to it. And if you can add your comments that would be great!

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