Saturday, July 9, 2011

>Megadef news!!!

>Hey folks,
don't forget - it's Madhouse' 2nd Anniversary. Some might remember last year, I've uploaded a bunch of vids and new design, but this year it's a little more complicated. Besides the current Copyright thing, I (and the others sure too) am very busy with my private life, I guess u all know...

For the other thing:
I think we'll find a solution soon, look at "Metal Music Forever" - once a fuckin' big blog with metal albums, then put down by blogger, and now they might have the 4th blog with this name...
I don't think it's a copyright violation promoting bands. If u turn on TV and watch a Megadeth video, u also don't pay for it and the label earns nothing if someone sees the video in TV.
They better should thank us, 'cos metal in TV is rare nowadays, and how can it be promoted else?

Btw: My SAT-TV is soon ready installed, and I got some good channels, so watch out... but please don't request Megadeth :)

~If bands don't want to get (more) fans - let 'em!~

Greetz from the MH team...

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